The Austerlitz Sword

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The “Vainqueur a’ Austerlitz” Sword – Napoleon Bonaparte Original

The “last” sword owned and used by Napoleon Bonaparte was auctioned in France by Auctioneer Jean-Pierre Osenat in June of 2007. The auctioned sword, one given by Napoleon himself to one of his brothers, stayed in the family for over 200 years. After the auction in 2007,  that sword will continue in another branch of the Bonaparte family who paid $6.4 million for the privilege.

And now another Original Napoleon Bonaparte sword, kept in private hands since the early 1930’s, arises from anonymity and is placed for sale! This sword was made and delivered to Napoleon Bonaparte himself, to commemorate his grand victory at the battle of Austerlitz – considered to be his greatest victory.

Unknown to the majority of the collectors of Napoleonic heritage, this sword was purchased by a Scandinavian Doctor and military antique collector from an elderly collector in Paris, during the early 1930’s.

All of Napoleon Bonaparte’s insignia, common to his swords are engraved in the sword; there are also the words, “Terre D’ Albion“ and “Vainqueur a Austerlitz“. The gentle curve to the blade that Napoleon adopted to all his swords after the Egyptian campaign is evident on this sword.

The sword is over 204 years old and was owned by Napoleon Bonaparte during the last years of his reign, between 1806 and 1814′ when he abdicated for the first time, the Imperial Throne at Fontainebleau,  outside Paris on April 11, 1814.

As in the case of so many other Napoleonic memorabilia,  this sword disappeared from Napoleons possessions in the period of April 1814 and up to after his second abdication in June 22nd 1815, when he was imprisoned by the British. The Austerlitz Sword has remained in the private collection of the current owners for 3 generations and is now set for sale or auction.

The sword is kept in South Florida, and can be seen upon approved appointment. For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact us at

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